Finding a Purpose for Existence

Related: Reality of Existence

Understanding Interest
Existence and God
The human and its dimension of existence
Living a Life Worth Living
Struggle Being a Human
On What Basis Are Life Decisions Made?
Finding Purpose
Influences from Surroundings, Religion
Self Parameters’ Influence on Life Performance
Finding a Purpose and Setting Life Goals
What Is Real
Self Reflection
What is it to exist?
Finding Significance
Finding Significance in What you Do
Trying to get to the root of why you do what you do
Significance in What You Do and True Self
What is the significance of life
Meaning of Life
Significance of the path we choose
Choosing Your Path
Feeling pressure to fit in, norms of society
Creation, Experience, and Detachment

I recognize the fact that I am but one mere, mortal human and that I humble myself before you oh Lord, and your universe. I do not understand why I exist, or why anything else exists, or appears to exist. I do not understand the significance of anything / everything. I do not understand the purpose to everything, or if there even is a purpose. Every human goes about living their own life in their own way. We are born, we live, and we die, each under our own unique set of variables, conditions, circumstances. What is the purpose of life, and of living? Why should one bother going about living, making an effort in life? What is the significance of one’s curiosity about anything? As far as we know, we did not choose to live, to be brought forth upon this world, into this dimension. Nevertheless, we are here, and we choose to live. Humans with normal intelligence look to find some sort of meaning for their lives. Upon what basis does one use to find meaning for their life?

People feel compelled to do things that the “norm” does

As far as we know, we only have one life to live. So why waste it by living a life like millions of others. Another average human life.

Kids, wife, day-to-day job, house, same routine every day, grow old, die.

You must be unflinching

You must not let anything bring you down.

We must learn and discover.

Existence and God

Billions of people, all choosing their own path

God, why do we exist? Do we exist for the sole purpose of worshipping You? If all humans that ever existed only worshipped God, we would be living the same today as when man came to be. We would still have to have sex to grow the species, eat to survive, sleep to be sane. Why would we exist and be judged? Why be put here, to live a life, then to be judged on it, when we could have never existed to begin with? Why exist, and be put through trials and tribulations, when we could have never existed? For what purpose do we exist? Does there even need to be a purpose? Maybe there is no purpose. Does everything need to have a reason in order to be the way it is? Why does reason have to be associated for every action?

The human and its dimension of existence

The human being as an individual naturally begins to shape the things around it which are under its power of control.

Human beings, as a natural consequence of their existence, shape their surroundings, directly and indirectly, intentionally and unintentionally.

As long as human beings are alive, conscious, and have the ability to interact with their surroundings, they will be reactive.

At times, the human being will commit actions or deeds without taking into consideration the possible consequences of those actions or deeds.

A human being with a conscience has the ability to rationalize and justify one’s actions and deeds.

Sometimes a human will present oneself in a means which alludes to a lack of conscience, perhaps in an erratic, uncontrollable, or unpredictable manner.

What is to be gained from existence?

As a natural consequence of existence, the human being has desire.

Can there be motivation without desire?

One may choose to partake in certain activities such as drinking alcohol, taking drugs, playing videogames, watching TV, engaging in mentally strenuous problem solving activities or physically strenuous activities, for a subconscious reason of closing off the conscious mind.

If you consciously discourage yourself, then you are also subconsciously making yourself into that person.

Living a Life Worth Living

All those years wasted for what, because you were afraid to face reality, so you kept putting it off, you looked for ways to escape, you succumbed to your urges, your natural desires. All those years wasted for what, because you felt like you were missing out on life, you felt like you had to do what everyone else was doing in order to fit in, you felt like you had to go out. All those years wasted for what, because you gave in to your addictions, eating, or drinking, or sex, or tv, doing meaningless menial things. All those years wasted for what, because you felt that in order to be normal you had to do things that the majority does, you get married, you have kids, you get a steady job, you get a house, a family, your family ages together, your kids grow up and you grow old and die. You were just wasting your time, wasting your life. Why should you feel a need or desire to experience things that millions of people experience, and then you die?

You have one life, one opportunity, one chance. Why blow it by doing things and experiencing things that everyone else does?

To find a deeper purpose for your life you must gather the willpower to control and guide yourself.

Struggle Being a Human

It is more difficult being a human than any other species. Why? We are given intelligence yet we are stupid. Humans have these natural desires that restrain our productivity. Communication is a pain in the ass. You have to put up with and interact with people. You want life to be one way. No matter how many material things one has one is never satisfied. If you find true love what is that?

but what is the significance of the yearning and longing of the heart to love and be loved? what is the purpose of that? you see, you can keep asking what the purpose and significance is in response to every answer, and eventually, ultimately, there really is no purpose, because you can keep asking what is the purpose and significance in response to every answer for infinity.

You have a mind that wanders? You think your mind is crap?

You can do everything you dreamed of doing but in the end do you feel like you really have lived? No matter how much you accomplish you will still die and go on like all the other billions of people before you and all the billions will after you. You are a human, like all the other humans in the world. The less you accomplish in this world, the less of a difference you will make, and the less it will matter whether you have lived or not. People die every day, and the world goes on with most people never knowing their existence or never getting to know a person. You can die, never making a difference in this world and thus living a pointless existence. Or, you can change the world and completely revolutionize the way of life, earth, the universe, and then you will have made a difference.

On What Basis Are Life Decisions Made?

And Factors that are Involved
Decision Making Processes

How do people choose their goals, their life directions? Why do so many people have so many different goals and life directions?

Genetics plays a part in the way people make decisions and thus choose their goals. Genetics determines the composition of the brain.

Think about one's goal of choosing a mate. How does one go about making that decision? A large part of that reasoning process is based off of the genetic arrangement ingrained from generations of natural selection. Why does a woman prefer in general a taller man over a short one? Because from generations past, larger males were more dominant physically. why? Because they were larger, and stronger. They could defeat the smaller male; kill him even, to win the woman. Obviously today the situation is much different. A male's dominance can still be represented by strength, but a male's dominance in today's society is much more valued by the ability to perform in society. To succeed in today's society requires a little more than big muscles and a blunt club.

People make decisions based on their upbringing. Various values, morals, beliefs are put into the heads of children, as they are being raised into adulthood.

As people go through life they meet different people who believe in different things, and the way they think influences the way other people think.

How do people make decisions and why do they make the decisions they choose? Every single voluntary action a person makes comes from the same procedure of decision-making. A person will think of all possible choices he/she chooses to think of, and will choose the one choice that seems the best. How does a person go about making the best choice? A person analyzes each possible decision by estimating the outcome as percentage of good and percentage of bad. What percentage of a decision will the outcome have a negative affect and what percentage of that decision will have a positive affect. Of course you don't actually ask yourself these questions, it happens really fast. Good and bad are what one perceives as good and bad. Although at times there are decisions made on impulse, and those decisions are based on what one is feeling at the time.

Finding Purpose

Everyone has been entered into the world at some point into a certain setting. Everyone gets brought up in a differing environment. Everyone looks for something to believe in. Everyone needs to find a purpose for themselves in life.

Many people are weak minded. Many do not see the big picture. Many are too weak to look beyond their own narrow perspective of the world. Many people choose to believe what is real, what is right, and what is wrong according to what has been instilled in them by the most common sources surrounding them during their development. They choose to adopt a frame of mind that references those who brought them up, those who raised them, and those who befriended them whether it be family, friend or other.

Because many people feel they lack opportunity, they resort to destructive behaviors to compensate for their anguish, rather than choosing to take it upon themselves to take initiative in a constructive way. Many people take things for what they are rather than looking a little deeper under the surface, because often they are too wrapped up in their own little lives.

People are born, people live, and people die. Circle of life. Everyone derives a purpose for themselves in one form or another, have some family and fun in between, more or less work towards their goal, and then die. Everyone lives a life in one form or another, and then they die.

Look at your life and ask yourself if what you are doing is significant. What is your life worth? Are you just going to be another person that lives a life, does stuff, and dies? So what you had fun, so what you had family, so what you made a lot of money, so what you were famous, so what you saved some lives, so what you took lives, whatever you are doing, ask yourself what it means.

We are people, billions of people, which exist on this little rock, where there are billions of other rocks, in this ever-extending space. We are simultaneously cognizant of this realm together. How can we live in this place that has so many variables that are impossible to explain, how can we validate this existence without including a power of higher order. We need to look beyond our little lives, look beyond our communities, look beyond our cultures, and come to terms with the fact that we are in a realm that is indescribable. There is a power of higher order. There is us. From generation to generation cultures are carried on, and with them the conflict, the peace, the poverty, the success. People live, people die. The cycle keeps rotating. It is up to each individual to look beyond the trivial occurrences between cultural, economic and political boundaries, and to rise above to a new vision. A vision of clarity.

(what the reader may feel sometimes)
I ask for order yet I receive disorder. I ask for peace yet I receive chaos.

What is relevant? It is almost always impossible for us to control the emotions we feel given a situation, whether they are good or bad feelings.

(religious reasons for existence)
What is this existence I ask. I look at religion to try to help explain this but it does not help. Is this a test to see whether we go to heaven or hell? If we commit so many sins we go to hell. Good and bad. Is that what it is all about. We are created from nothing and develop a conscious and then are put in a test. For what purpose? What relevance? What is the purpose of such a thing. What is the end goal of such a process? I do not believe in many religious things, actually I don't really believe in anything.

If I wanted to experience complete happiness I would want to be on a beautiful island with the girl I was meant to be with, Nicole Davis, which would make me completely happy. But if that were achieved what then would I do. What would that happiness fulfill? What would that do for me? Now I am aware that good feelings promote a healthy mindset and in turn helps the brain function better and more clearly whereas negative feelings do the opposite, making it more difficult to perform mental tasks. But no matter what for me I will never achieve complete happiness because no matter how happy I become there will always be something that brings me down again. Some achieve happiness easier than others. Some people do not need as much to be happy as others do.

I was put here on Earth like everyone else was yet I want to find a purpose for this existence. What purpose would it be to be happy and then die? Everybody leads a different life. Some lead happier lives than others. Some live longer lives than others. Some make more money than others during a lifetime. Some achieve more than others during their life. But in the end everyone dies and when you are dead everything is gone. The life you lived is gone. You are gone. Do we have a spirit or soul that moves on? Maybe, maybe not but our life on earth does not move on it is gone. And for all we know we can only assume that our spirit or soul goes on, but maybe not. People live this life or that life but in the end everyone dies. We are dropped in this place like an ant dropped in an ant farm. What do we do, we are in this place and we have the ability to do stuff so we do it. We do whatever our minds tell us to do given the circumstances of our surroundings, our past, and our genetic makeup. We live a life according to how our brain directs it. We have control of our actions yet so do others, but essentially it is the individual who chooses what direction is to be taken. I do not live to find happiness; I live to learn. That sounds like a statement to be mocked, something that might be said by a nerd or something, but when I say I want to learn I mean that I want to learn everything; I want to know everything, all there is to know.

Sure, to make music is a beautiful thing, to make art, to create, to be constructive, and to build. What about musicians though, who basically live their life making music, and enjoying life given the money they make. Actors, sport figures, those who make up the entertainment industry. They make a lot of money and live a life being able to have whatever they want and enjoy the good life. But what do they actually fulfill during their existence on this planet? Their existence is just as meaningful as anyone else's. What I mean is that whether I were to live an ordinary life like my parents or most other people or to live a life like someone from the entertainment industry as they do, I essentially in the end would not feel like I accomplished any more or less either way. I want to give way to a very significant revolutionary change to not only society and to people but to the very existence we live in. So what whether you have this or that or you have something that is better than someone else's thing or you are enjoying life more. To enjoy life is not fulfillment, enjoyment is merely an inborn desire given to be satisfied. Every mind which has the ability to make direction for oneself seeks to find a purpose for one's existence. Some need to search longer than other's. Some never quite find a purpose for themselves. Others are good at something so they designate that as their purpose. Some just like certain things so they build a purpose around things they enjoy. Though, in the end, you look at one's life, to see that they were born, did something, and then died, what is that. See, I cannot accept the fact that I was put here on earth, and am to live a life of whatever significance, and then die. I cannot accept existing within a place and dying, not ever really knowing what that was. I exist among all these others in this place, this place we essentially know nothing about. How can one accept to live a life of offering such little in magnitude? What if I was an actor and all my life all I did was made movies and now here I lay on my deathbed reflecting on my life, what would I think. Here I lie about to die and to be cleansed off the face of the earth, all I accomplished in this life was making movies, I had a few kids, I got married, I had good friends, I had good times, I had bad times, but what did I really accomplish on this earth? Nothing. I will die, and my presence will be in the ranks of other actors, just a name, or a face on a screen, but never really being more or less significant than anyone else. I am just a person, and I lived a life like so many others before me and like so many others will after me. I am just one of billions of people who existed and billions of others who will exist after me. Or what about an ordinary person who say, was a middle class laborer with a family and friends and basically a normal life. It is not any more or less significant. I look at myself, and I cannot accept the fate that so many others do, I do not let my mind get sucked into the abyss of simplicity. I see that what we exist in is a place with so many unexplained impossibles that makes this all seem impossible. What I mean is that there is something greater behind this front, and that is what seek to discover.

Why do people live? What do we choose to live for? Why do we do what we do? Your genetic predisposition determines your natural desires. You get hungry, that first bite tastes so good to you, but after you eat for a while that food does not taste as good as it did before. Why is that? You are genetically made that way. Some things we do because we are genetically made that way. Other things you choose to do on your own because you think it would be in your best interest. Why does one choose to exercise? They are not genetically programmed that way. I do it because it will make me healthier, make me feel better, make me stronger. Why do people choose not to kill themselves? They choose to instead exist in this dimension and to interact with these surroundings. Why? For me, I choose to exist in this dimension because I am here, I don't believe in it and I want to learn everything there is to know about this place. For all I know our minds could simply vanish after death. Perhaps none of this matters, perhaps if one knew everything there is to know, assuming there is a finite amount of knowledge to be learnt, that it didn't even matter in the end. I ask myself what is the purpose? What is the purpose to exist? What is the purpose for this universe? Why should there be a purpose? I believe in order to exist you should have a purpose for existence. People hustle and bustle and live their lives and die. Live and die. I cannot merely accept to live a life like everyone before me and die. We exist in this place that cannot be real.

I am not satisfied with this state of which I am in, nor will I ever be as long as I remain this way. I refer to this state as that which is of being human. Given this intelligence I have I can see the potential of which we can be expanded by, yet by being human I have so many restraints which slow me from achieving my self determined purpose, the goal of which I have deemed as the true goal we should all work towards. I will never be satisfied as long as I exist until I reach my goal. There are few times such as this when I am able to fully focus on what matters the most. So often, I do things that cause myself to lose more and more time that could have instead been spent on reaching my goal. Can I find what it is in myself that is the cause for why I do these things if I look deep within myself? You try to control yourself, make yourself better, try and improve this and that part of your life. You might try and blame certain reasons for your actions on things other than yourself. Maybe you blame things on other people, external factors, your genetic makeup, your family, and your friends. You try and improve yourself but you are limited, limited by what you are and what is around you. You can manipulate factors to better your situation and yourself. I am here and I exist in this place. I have this body and this mind. I am around these people and I am in this environment. I am in this state. The key here is intelligence, rationalizing and logic. Genetically my brain is limited by what it can do; yet my intelligence is at a point where I have the logic to know where to go.

I was not given a choice of whether or not I wanted to exist. And now that I do exist, I am to be judged? God has the power to control one's existence, so how dare he manipulate so many. Why should we be brought into existence, be given these intellects, and then be threatened of consequences for doing what is deemed wrong by higher powers? And now that I do exist, how can I be satisfied being a pawn among billions? For if I do nothing universally significant I shall wish to no longer exist. I am not given a choice of what I want to look like, how intelligent to be, who to be born unto, for I am given these things from the cycles of existence from the beginning of time. And yet because reality cannot be real, there must be a higher power of which all that is and is not stems from.

People do this in life, do that in life. There are things that I enjoy to do and also there are genetic desires that I have. Most people on Earth live their lives to fulfill these two things. I realize that those are not significant. I derived my goal in life through simple logic and reasoning. We are all on this place, on this speck. I cannot live here in this place without knowing what it is. That is what is important to me. That is my goal, to learn everything there is to know about what we exist in and beyond. I want to know everything. I essentially want to arrive at the point where somehow, technologically my intelligence increases to a point where I am thereafter, able to increase my intelligence from within, internally, and as my intelligence increases exponentially, I am able to gain more and more knowledge about the universe exponentially. But I see no asymptote to where knowledge of the universe would reach. I assume that there is no finite amount of knowledge to be known of the universe. You can look at God as the one who knows all, where all is then a finite amount. But I assume that no matter how intelligent one becomes one will never be able to reach that level of knowledge as is reached by God. That finite amount of knowledge has no finite boundary. The exponential rate of intelligence increase will approach a vertical asymptote that will then be perpendicular to the finite boundary of knowledge known by God.

I look at people. I look at myself. I see how basic we are. How we live our lives. What does it matter to live if had you never been born the world would still be the same as if you had? To live a life of many. What is it to live? To be conscious and alive in this existence. We are living on a speck within an infinitely vast amount of space. How does that make sense to live in a world where there is an infinite amount of space? How is it possible to exist within a system of infinite time? We cannot be real, nothing can be real, and nothing can exist. There has to be an event that precedes every other event. There can be no initial event. We find that within our system of existence there are variables that have no limits.

The human species has been referenced to a virus on a number of occasions from different sources. I agree fully with that statement only if we go on populating everything without increasing our intelligence, logic and knowledge. See, this piece can be related to the other piece I wrote on finding a purpose for existence. Because we as a whole need a purpose for existence because what are we going to do otherwise, keep populating, expanding into space. We need a goal. If at the same time as our population grows, we find direction and increase keep increasing intelligence and logic, then we have no reason to be compared to a virus, because a virus does not fulfill any other purpose but to replicate, nothing more, nothing less. But, to become smarter as a whole, along with replicating, that is different. Eventually, our species will have to come to some point where we transcend beyond this current state. Some might think of that as a bad thing, why? What else are we going to do, keep expanding into the abyss of the universe with no real purpose other then to fulfill our own insignificant lives? We eventually have to go beyond ourselves. Keep expanding our minds. I mean, the possibility is there that we could annihilate our own species from lack of direction, or logic, but that is another topic.

The word purpose. Man made language, defined words. Everything that exists should have a purpose for existing. Why would something exist without having a purpose? Why do things need to have a purpose? What is the point of existing without having a purpose? When one sets a purpose in life for oneself, is it really relevant? Why do we exist? For what purpose? Why should we be here? Why are all the stars here? Why does matter exist? Why does space exist? What is the purpose of this dimension? Accelerator of car is pushed down farther. For what purpose? So man can make it to work on time. For what purpose? So he won't be late and get fired or whatever. For what purpose? He wants to keep his job so he can make an income to provide for his family. For what purpose? Why do we do what we do? Why do we live like we do? If something does not have a purpose, then it should not be.

You have a life. You have a goal. Life is about taking the most efficient steps at any given point in time in order to reach that goal in as short of time as possible. You reflect on your life where you are at now, 20, 9 days from being 21. You chose to drive home while intoxicated, you never have had a girlfriend, never kissed by a girl, have a shitty car, are earning minimum wage, have friends that are not high achievers, go getters. You are almost 21 and are still living at home with your parents, residing in the same room since you were a baby, and a boy. This could be your last year in college but at the rate you are going you will have three years left. If someone read the above they would have pity, that life is nothing but pitiful. Should you be satisfied with the past decisions you have made? No matter what choice one makes, there are always more and less efficient choices that one could have made. My life could be worse, but it could also be better, and I want it to be better, of course. The point is that I need to focus on making decisions that are going to take me to where I want to be as quickly as possible. I want to be successful, at the high end of the spectrum. I do not want my life to dwindle in a swamp of getting nowhere. The trouble I have within myself at times is that it should be obvious to myself that the negative risk which accompanies a decision is so great that I should not make that decision yet I do so anyways. It is not worth the risk yet I do it anyways. Life is all about making decisions, from the least to the most significant. What I need to do right now is to redirect my life in the most positive direction as possible and most importantly focus on making the most efficient decisions as possible in order to get where I want to be in life as fast as possible.

Mankind, before technology grows too much more rapidly, needs to as a whole work towards a common planetary goal, a goal that will give mankind's existence relevance. We need to work towards the goal of figuring out what we are in, figure out what everything is.

A problem with people is that they need something to believe in, and from that something they derive a purpose in life. Whether it is their children, religion, etc…

There are people everywhere in the world that fit similar stereotypes, have similar behavior patterns, fit similar molds, have similar quirks, live similar lifestyles, live similar lives.

You look at yourself self and you’re one person and there are going to be other people very similar to yourself in other parts of the world doing things you’re doing.

Most people live a life, and that life is similar to many other lives before and during their existence.

What is a life worth? You live a life and so what?

The key is to differentiate yourself and to truly separate yourself from anyone and everyone else in the world.

There are billions of people on this earth. Separate yourself from the rest. Do things greater than what has ever been done before.

We are all entities, once born unto this world. We are given 5 senses, sight, smell, sound, taste, touch. Just because the things we experience are limited by our 5 senses, does not mean that what we experience is the only phenomena which occurs in our presence or around us. We learn by what we gather from our 5 senses, from the things around us. From the things we gather we compile a sense of our own reality. Success in life is determined and influenced by one's physical appearance, physical health, mental health, mental capability, and surroundings

Influences from Surroundings, Religion

From the time one is born one is shaped by the surroundings into the person that one will become.

All the surroundings with which one's five senses reach, consist of all external variables one is shaped by.

Mainly it is the societies of nations which are controlled by the leaders. The actions taken by nations are the results of those nations' leaders, not so much by the people. Suicide bomber's are the result of brainwashing efforts by extremist group leaders utilizing religion as the main driving force.

There are multiple religions, but one God. It is said by some that it is up to the individual to find the word of God, read the word of God, understand the word of God, believe the word of God. It is up to the individual.

How then does one who is brought up, raised, matured and lives in an environment that embodies an alternative religion find the word of God?

There are many religions and faiths, each having their own set of beliefs. Which one holds true? Obviously there are contrasting beliefs between certain religions and faiths. Certainly God does not contradict Himself. So one religion or faith holds true and the others do not? Are there multiple Gods, multiple beings of higher order? It is doubtful. Who conceives of these religions and faiths? Is it through the human or through God?

Self Parameters’ Influence on Life Performance

I look a certain way as deemed by my genetic predisposition.
People are going to respond to me based off of that.

There are certain physical and visual variables that can be changed in order to induce a more constructive response.

I can conduct my behaviors and actions in such a way as to influence one’s response.

There are also mental genetic predispositions that affect that may have an influence over one’s response such as memory capability or general intellectual capability.

In other words,

There are select physical and mental characteristics of oneself that one cannot change due to genetic predisposition.

There are also select physical and mental variables of oneself that one can change in order to evoke a desired response.

Thus, based off of my fixed and variable parameters representing the person who I am, determine the way that external sources will respond.

So, the rate at which I accomplish my goals and objectives are influenced by the fixed and flexible parameters that represent the person I am, due to the fact that in order to achieve success, one must be able to positively influence external sources.

In almost all cases, successful interpersonal interaction is required in order for one to succeed in life financially.

There are a few select cases where human interaction is not necessary needed in order to generate profits such as:

Online investing or

Creating a very popular web page and having an entity buy it.

But if you are going to start your own business, or intend on moving up the corporate ladder, you must have the ability to establish solid interpersonal relationships.

And that ability is determined by the way you set the flexible parameters which reflect the person you are.

Finding a Purpose and Setting Life Goals

People have inborn genetic biological desires or instincts. The actions people take are primarily to fulfill those desires whether for the short term or the long term. Sometimes one's desires become so strong that there is no focus on the goals. People look within themselves to find a purpose for their life. On what basis do they make the decision of what they are going to do with their life out of? People make that decision based on their current surrounding environment, their past, and their genetic makeup. What do they want to do with their life? People have to find a purpose for themselves. Usually people take the actions they do or make the decisions they make based on fulfillment for themselves. And by saying fulfillment for themselves is not implying all people make the decisions they make for selfish reasons. Self-fulfillment and selfishness are two different things. Some people enjoy helping other people. But why do they do it? In order to experience self-fulfillment for themselves. People set goals for themselves and then seek to achieve those goals yet more often than not those natural instincts tend to cause people to stray from their main objective thus losing efficiency towards the main goal. Those natural instincts stimulate other goals within people. For example the want for food, sleep, or sex, the desire for relationships, friendships, some people are lazy and like to slack. See some of these desires are necessary for our survival, others promote healthy mindsets, and others do not benefit an individual's existence at all, yet they are all natural instincts within us. We try to choose the best goals for ourselves, choose they right paths, the most efficient paths, go in the right direction. Many times there are many goals one wants to accomplish at the same time and one has to choose the goal that would be most beneficial for themselves. But people are constantly struggling and fighting within themselves to make the best decision for themselves at any given instant. At any given time that degree of struggle or fight varies. Some people are more fortunate than others by chance, genetically, or by their up bringing, or whatever the circumstance. But the more benefits hence opportunities one is given the easier it is for that one to get what he wants out of life. Nonetheless, almost anyone can create the future they want for themselves as long as they strive and have the perseverance.

What Is Real

I don't believe in religion. It is silly to believe in something that is solely based off scripture. I believe only in one thing: a single power of the highest order. To believe so strongly in something to believe it is worth dying for is silly to me. If you use a little logic and see that there can be no beginning or end to time, no limit in how something can be or how space extends for infinity, you can realize that nothing is real, nothing is what we perceive it to be, and none of this even exists. I only believe in one power of the highest order because that is the only explanation I can have for all of this and because of some personal experiences of my own.

Finding a real life purpose

As humans born unto this world we are given minds of great potential. But we also carry constraints that withhold us from achieving greatness. Even though we might think we are really living our lives if we are doing things we enjoy, or things that make us happy, i.e. things that fulfill our desires, we are not. If we did not wear the burden of natural desire, the need for a sense of belonging, which relates directly to doing things that the majority does, and other distractions, we could take a deeper focus on what life actually is, and we would be able to more directly concentrate on that. To live a fulfilling life, one should have at least made a significant constructive impact towards the technological development of the world.

Finding a path and controlling oneself

The number of paths one can choose is limited by those variables and conditions

But regardless of one's start point, because of technology; anyone can arrive at the same end point as anyone else.

You will receive various inputs from those around you. Those inputs will be processed in your brain and will have an effect on your state of mind. It is up to you to see through those inputs and control your own state of mind

Games, things that pleasure us, or make us happy are inconsequential

Go over changing your attitude, your actions, and behavior
How are you going to achieve what you want to?


Every human struggles to find a purpose for existence. Some are able to determine a purpose more easily than others.

Self Reflection

Just because you are where you are today does not mean that you can’t be where you want to be in your future.

Just because you have what you have today does not mean that you can’t have what you want to have in the future.

You are what you are today because of all the actions you have chosen in your past.

Everyone is born with a unique set of genetic traits and characteristics. And, everyone is born into a unique set of environmental characteristics and conditions.

It is up to each individual to achieve what is desired.

What is it to exist?

Why do we exist?
Do we need a reason to exist?
Do we need to have a purpose for existence?
Can there be time, if there is no movement?
What does it mean to think?
Thinking minds develop ideas.
Without thinking minds to develop ideas, there would be no concepts, principles, rules, laws, anything.

Cycles of thought
Thought patterns
What is it to believe
What does it mean to believe
What is the reason for living
What is the reason to exist
Why exist
Does there have to be a reason for everything
Cause and effect
Action reaction
If something does not have a meaning, or a purpose, than why should it exist, or be?
Live our lives doing stuff, then we die.
Animals, humans
Mind, emotion
Processes and systems, everything

Why would God create us
Why would God have us

Finding Significance

We live our lives in pursuit of satisfaction. As a result of these pursuits, we may face unintended consequences. We prefer to remove ourselves from bad situations and place ourselves in good situations. If we can move toward a better situation, we will try to. After all is said and done, what is the significance? If you ask the question: “ why do things that satisfy you?” You may then ask the question, “why do anything at all?” What is the purpose of desires, motivations, driving factors? On any given day, you choose to do things, some things are the same things you do every other day, other things are things that you do quite often, once in a while you do things that are done quite seldom.

Finding Significance in What you Do

What is of true significance, what is truly worthy of pursuing?
How is it truly determined what is important and what is not important?
What is important differs from person to person.
Also what is important to one specific person changes over time.

What is truly important? What truly matters? What is truly significant?
That varies over time and varies person to person.

What is important at any specific moment in time is what is currently occupying an individual at that specific moment in time.

If you are typing a message, that is the most important thing to you at that specific time because that is what you are doing. That is what your focus is on.

To a drug (or alcohol or smoking or any other addiction) addict (see Addiction, Compulsive Behavior and Problem Evasion), drugs are very important. The drug addict preoccupies much of his or her time thinking about or spending time with drugs. If the drug addict doesn’t have drugs, then the drug addict is thinking about how to get them, or when he or she will have them next. A good chunk of a drug addict’s life is spent focused on drugs. That is what is important to them.

Now a drug addict may go through some near death very traumatic event such as a near-death overdose, (or a liver transplant for alcoholic or lung cancer for smoker, etc...) and may never do drugs again after that event. From that point onward, drugs will not be important to that individual, and that individual may wonder why drugs meant so much to them before that life-changing event.

This is an exaggerated scenario but it begs the question, what is truly of significance? If what one values changes from time to time, what does what one values matter at any given time? What is the significance of pursuing goals and objectives that appear to be so important to you just because they are important to you at that moment?

To a male, at a given point in time, sexual gratification may be very important. But post-ejaculation, sexual gratification is no longer important, in fact, it is not important at all. But over time, the male will increasingly find sexual gratification to be increasingly important. This cycle will repeat over and over again. Then why is sexual gratification important to the male? Biologically, he is programmed that way.

As man exists, there is a goal that man is working towards. As soon as that goal is accomplished there is another goal that immediately follows. Man is not designed to be inherently and internally satisfied and content. Man is always searching for something. No matter how much man has, there is always something missing.

Internal and external. A robot is programmed internally to interact with the environment (external surroundings). Therefore while the environment affects how you behave, the way you are internally programmed depends on how you will interact with the external. A robot will just sit there, will be static, no motion, if it is not programmed internally.

You build your tower, you build your tower, you build your tower.
Toiling away
All for naught
For in the end it all comes crashing down


Always working against each other


how is life?
life is like this...
You spend your life toiling away, working like a little ant building up your castle.
only to be ultimately destroyed in the end.

you go through life, riding your ups and downs.

As you'er building your castle, parts get knocked down here and there,
So you rebuild, you repair, and you build them back up.

But ultimately all your fervent work comes to an end.
Ultimately you die, and you are separated from your castle, and all the hard work that went into building it.

Why build a castle?
Because you exist.

The question is:
When will I learn that there is nothing to be sought after?

What defines the true significance from one thing to another?
What makes a person any more or less significant than a chicken or a grain of sand?
What is the significance of progress?
What is the significance of feelings? emotions? desires? intelligence? intellectual capacity? cognition? consciousness? matter? energy?
People can make all the arguments they want, but what is the significance of anything?
What makes what you do and/or who you are so significant, important, worthwhile, justifiable?
What is the true and ultimate significance of anything you do?

Because we have active minds that are connected to active bodies, we act in the world and interact with the world and our surroundings
Because we have the capability to act, we do

Perhaps ultimately, there really is no significance
But is there?

If we perceive and believe in existince, then there must be significance to something?

With respect to true significance, i'm not referring to anything any one person finds significant.
But if it is assumed that the significance of humans or any other thinking worldly being is significant, then what is there to determine significance?

Of course God. The ultimate question is: What is of significance to God? What does God find significant? What matters to God? Does God prioritize? Or is all equal through God?

Trying to get to the root of why you do what you do


Go to bathroom

Sexual engagement

Look good
Appeal to opposite sex
Sexual engagement

Make money
Spend it

Enjoy watching violence

Significance in What You Do and True Self

The question that arises is: What do you want?
And, what you want varies, or changes, with time.

What is representative of true self? To answer this, another question must be asked: How is true self defined?

This may be why one may question one’s own pursuits over time, because one does not know their true self, and they let themselves be influenced and controlled by everything external to their true self, and so the significance in what they do is determined by those factors external to their true self.

Strong conflict may occur within an individual because of this, the changing of interests.
Certain interests may displace others over time.

Is one to follow what one wants throughout the course of life? Is this what shall motivate oneself?

One wants to live / one doesn’t want to live
One wants to eat / one doesn’t want to eat
One wants to sleep / one doesn’t want to sleep
One wants to have sex / one doesn’t want to have sex
One wants to drink / one doesn’t want to drink
One wants to do drugs / one doesn’t want to do drugs

Even constant pursuits, such as the pursuit of money, wealth, success, fame, prosperity, material things, of what significance are these?

What represents that which is truly worthy of pursuing?

I, personally, feel burdened by this cyclic wanting / not wanting of various things. How does one escape these cyclic rhythms?

Other things, such as the pursuit of school, the desire to help people, the desire to figure things out, the desire to learn, of what significance are these?
The desire to socialize, the desire to meet new people, the desire to partake in new experiences, the desire for new sensations… are these not desires? From where does the motivation come from in creating these urges within us?

At any given time, one can choose only one direction. What is the significance of any direction that anyone takes at any given time?
One may question the validity of the path one is taking.

One may be working so very hard towards a certain goal, but what is the true significance of that goal?

The desire to have a family, get married, have children, get a house, make a living, get a good job, move up in the career field… these things that so many people strive for.

And what is the final destination? What is the end result?

Joy, happiness, love, caring, emotions, feelings, compassion, living in the now, living in the moment… is life about enjoying the present?

Oftentimes, working towards a long term goal means making sacrifices, where the sacrifices may include short-term satisfaction.

Whether one is seeking satisfaction for the present, or working towards satisfaction for the future, what is the significance? Do people not do the things they do for the purpose of finding satisfaction?

How may one find satisfaction without the assistance of one’s surroundings?

Sometimes as I live, and do the things I do, I ask, “What is the significance of what I am doing?”

Should I just live, and do things as I desire, or as I see fit, in accordance with the fluctuations of my wanting or not wanting through the course of time?

Should one merely do, and not question why?

One sets goals, or objectives.

These goals or objectives are things that one wishes to accomplish within a finite amount of time.

The more time that passes without a goal being accomplished, the more distressed one is apt to become.

If one could have goals and objectives fulfilled instantaneously, one would so have it done.

But, what even defines the validity, or significance, of these goals and objectives? A goal predicates the path to the goal.

Why do many humans share the same general goals and objectives? Being human means that you will have goals and objectives shared by most other humans on the planet.

If one achieves a goal, then why won’t there be another one, already waiting.

Living consists of a constant process of working towards and achieving goals.

Even a bum on the street has goals, maybe to find food, shelter, money for food, alcohol, or drugs. And even that bum, if he succeeds in one goal, there will be another waiting for him.

How does the difficulty vary, from person to person, in terms of being content with what one has?

What is the significance of life

What is the significance of life? What is the significance of doing what we do day to day? Where is mankind going as a whole? We live and so we do. Because we are alive, we put ourselves in motion. There are so many people, so many paths, and yet each of us can only choose one path. So where do we go? What do we do? We are each a leaf, blowing through the winds of life. We look for meaning in the things we do, so that we will have purpose. Life is the blink of an eye.
What is the significance of my existence? There is none.

Meaning of Life

What is life about? Is it about walking along the beach, at the oceanfront, the sun going down, waves softly rolling in, warm breeze, hand in hand with your love, your soulmate, walking down the shoreline, embracing, kissing. Is that what life is about? Is it about experiencing the feelings that are so deep to us, that we long for so badly? Why do so many of us find ourselves bound to the system, in a quagmire? Is it about searching for the things that we seek, the things that we long for? Is it about fulfilling our dreams? Maybe every day you follow the routine, but when you are alone and can reflect, you see yourself in a different world. You wish you were in a different world. What stops you from following your dreams? What keeps you bound?

What is the meaning of life, doing the things we do day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year... Before we know it the years add up, and so much time has passed us by... As one person, I can choose only one life, one path. Billions of paths are being taken, and my life represents just one of those paths. What determines the significance of one path over another? We are all drifting through the same space, and all of our paths meet at both ends.

Life is

Does there have to be a meaning?

There must be meaning to what we do as individuals, because we are governed by laws of nature.

Humans have feelings, emotions, desires, wants.

We develop meaning and purpose from these things.

If intellectual creatures do not have feelings, emotions, desires, and wants, then there is not meaning, there is no purpose, there is no significance.

Our meaning, purpose, and significance comes in seeking fulfillment to our feelings, emotions, desires, and wants.

Therefore, if we seek to eliminate our feelings, emotions, desires, and wants, then there is no meaning, purpose, and significance.

The meaning of life is for each individual to define for themselves. That is the meaning of life. The meaning of life is determined by an individual.

The cumulative agglomeration of defined meanings represents the meaning of the whole.

The direction of the human species implies the notion that the meaning of the human species is to gain knowledge, above all other meanings. Other meanings are also visible, such as to reproduce and spread the species, to consume, to gain wealth, to gain power.

All lead to the ultimate meaning of the accumulation of knowledge.

But if you look within yourself, and ask, “What is the meaning of life,” that is for you to decide based upon your feelings, emotions, desires, and wants.

I exist. I may choose to continue existing. If I choose to continue existing, it makes sense that I should define a purpose for my existence. Else, every thought, word, and deed is random and chaotic.

If I choose to live, why not do any random thing that is within my power to do?

I must clearly define goals to work towards. These will define my purpose. If I accomplish these goals, I will define new goals, and continue the process until I cease to be.

Fluctuation of mind

Due to fluctuation of one’s mind, one’s goals, and thus meaning in life, changes over time. This must not be so. Why? Inconsistency is randomness. Inconsistency is disagreement. It is conflict. Conflict is randomness and chaos. Randomness and chaos shall never be a goal. Randomness and chaos shall never be a reason or purpose for existence.

This loops back into the reason for seeking to control and master the mind, absolutely. But, what does absolute control and mastery mean? Does it mean to no longer have feelings, emotions, desires, and wants? What does absolute mastery of mind mean?

What if eventually, one were able to control oneself to the extent that one no longer felt joy, pain, sorrow, anger, regret, remorse, compassion, love, hate, etc…. Who would that person be? An automaton?

What if, in seeking meaning to life, one sets the goal of finding and maintaining absolute peace? What does this involve? One of the things it involves is the elimination of all conflict, external and internal. How often does one encounter internal conflict?

Without a thinking entity to ponder or conceive a meaning of life, there is no meaning of life.

So when we wonder what the meaning of life is, we are assuming there is a meaning to life. And if we wonder what the meaning is, then we are assuming that at least one entity knows what the meaning is. Because if there is not one entity that exists that knows what the meaning of life is, then there is no meaning of life. But all it takes is for one single entity to conceive a meaning of life, then there is meaning of life. On earth, the meaning of life is the conglomeration or sum of everyone’s definition of meaning of life. That is, everyone who chooses to define a meaning of life.

Therefore, unless you are content and comfortable in following the ideas, opinions, and thoughts of others, do not look outside of yourself to find a meaning of life. You have to define the meaning of life for yourself. You define it.

Significance of the path we choose

We have the ability to choose an infinite number of paths, but they all start from the same point, and end at the same point.
All humans share this characteristic.

What is the significance of the paths?
Is time relative?
Sometimes I feel like, we are all the same.
From baby, to old man, is as a blink of an eye, from the perspective of an old man. How can this be so, when many years have gone by? It feels fast. From the perspective of feelings, time may be relative.
Without living, conscious beings to measure time, how is time quantified? Things just exist, they are.

Choosing Your Path

As far as we know, we are inserted into this world without our consent. As a result, we have the ability to choose life or death. If we choose life, then we have to choose our path. We are a particle - our mind can be in one place in any given time. Our path is linear through time. So many of us on Earth, our thoughts, words, and deeds are determined by our external environment and our internal genetics. Think about the true significance of the path you choose. In the end, what is it worth?

As humans, we can only choose to go one direction at any given moment. Our path through time is a spline. It is not a surface, it is not a 3D solid. It is a spline through time.

We can go here

Or here

But not both here and there at the same time

I’m talking of course about the choices that lead us to where we go.

In any given time, you make a choice between one or the other.
Even for an array:
You may simultaneously choose the circle without comparing it against every single plus, but the pluses can be represented as one group, and the circle as the other.

You can only be in one place at any given time.
You can only experience what you experience. You can not experience what other people experience through their being.


If all humans were merely content with what they have, there would be no technology. Everyone would have some sort of suitable shelter, and everyone would help each other to ensure that every person is adequately fed. There would be no dependent people and no greedy people, no laziness and no greed. Socialism implies that everybody gets equal amounts, but this is not true, because everything is state owned – there is ownership by state – there are people behind the ‘state’. Capitalism implies that individuals should have the right to have ownership, where one’s level of ownership is related to one’s level of success. This level of success is directly related to competition. Regardless of either system there is this embedded sense of wanting more. Continuously wanting more. That is why technology keeps advancing.

Feeling pressure to fit in, norms of society

You've only got one life, so you should live it to the fullest. You should enjoy life, have fun. Do things that make you happy. What is the point in living if you can't have fun, if you can't enjoy life. People think about sports, they think about actors, Hollywood, movies, their friends, going out and having fun, doing fun things, music, art. You want to do the things that everyone else does, you want to get married because everybody gets married, it's the normal thing to do. You want to have kids, a husband, have a family, get a house, have friends. You feel pressure to be like everyone else, to fit in with society.

People don't realize

People don't actually stop and think that, by having fun, enjoying life, and doing what everyone else does, just means they are living a life that is like millions before them and millions after them. People don't think that by living a life doing things that make you happy, self-fulfilling things, doing things that everyone else does, just means that your life or existence was really no more special than the majority of people.

And these things that you are doing are only for the fulfillment of yourself. You are doing things for your own self-fulfillment, things which are no different from the billions of other people on earth. And the desires to do these are no different from the desires of the billions of other people on the earth. Whatever it is that you long to do, to make you feel happy or fulfilled, stems from the same root desire as the billions of other people on earth. Do something to set yourself apart from everyone. Put the world and existence in a larger perspective, a larger viewpoint than the narrow fulfillment of your self desires.

What are you going to do to separate yourself from the average, from the norms of society?

Anything can happen to anyone anytime, anyplace, anywhere, anyhow, anyway, any day.

God's plan is God's plan.

What is to be, is to be.

Risks must be taken to move up in life.

Creation, Experience, and Detachment

To detach means to remove experience. Experience is associated with creation. If there is no creation, there can be no experience. And, if there is no experience, what is the significance of creation?

People create (package and distribute) recreational drugs. If other people do not explore and experience those drugs, than what is their significance? They would cease to exist.

People create paintings. If other people did not enjoy looking at paintings, or could not even see, then what would be the significance in those paintings and the creation of them?

A man enjoys a female’s body. If a man no longer has sexual interest, then what is the significance in the shape and structure of a female’s body?

One idea is that creations exist to be experienced, consciously, or unconsciously – if it is assumed that interaction is experience.

If an external, environmental variable does not elicit any kind of response from an individual, then what is that individual’s experience of that variable? Furthermore, what is the significance of the existence of that variable with respect to the individual?

The argument can be made that creations exist for experiencing, and we humans exist to experience those creations. So why try to suppress, push away, or detach from things when we are here to experience?

An interesting question is: do we get to higher places the more we experience, the more we detach, or both?

Basically, to detach is to go against design. Because we are designed to want to or have the desire to experience certain things, it is inherent in our nature. We are designed to want food, sex, sleep, compassion, independence, material things, etc… when certain factors elicit us to want them.