Developing a Wider Perspective

See above, see reality, the bigger picture

This is a Wake Up Call

If you choose to take the easy way out then you will become more worthless than the dirt.

No matter how big or small you think your view of the world is, chances are it is a narrow one. And you must see beyond your narrow view of the world. You must not allow your environment to form who you are. You must look at the world, and look at yourself, and decide who you are. You must take control of your feelings, emotions, and natural desires. Do not succumb to the pressures of temptation for then you become weak. Do not become cold or rigid; appreciate your life and what you have, and the future you can create for yourself. So many external sources to yourself tempt you, and in most cases giving in only results in the rotting of your brain. It is easy to give in, but giving in makes you weak. You may know what is best for yourself. You may realize that by changing certain things about yourself will make you a stronger person; yet you lack the willpower, the strength, you are weak. Do not allow yourself to be controlled by your feelings, emotions, and natural desires.

So many factors are at our disposal, when interaction only results in a lack of self-focus.

Most humans have the potential to be efficient, self-sufficient, focused individuals but lack the willpower that should have been instilled in them from their support system as they grew and matured. It really is unfortunate that most humans need and can't come to their own self-realization and self-awareness as they mature without the assistance of an external support system.

Something that troubles me is the fact that the relationship between the contribution people make towards society and the number of kids people have is inversely proportional.

It is natural for people to seek to belong.
People tend to align themselves with certain groups.

Instead of projecting violence towards groups other than your own, see the world as a system. See the world as the upper echelon of a system hierarchy, which is comprised of subsystems within subsystems. See humans as elements that upon interaction, result in different reactions.

Humans differ by race, religion, political view, and numerous other factors. But it is these three that result in greatest conflict.

There are many different combinations of these variables that produce a multitude of different groups.

It is natural for an individual to form an alliance with a group that represents one's views. As the alliance is solidified between the individual and the group, the individual's views have a stronger resemblance to that of the group. The degree of alignment depends on the disposition of the individual, determined by numerous external and internal variables.

You were born unto this earth. Why bring yourself down to the intellectual level of those around you? You must not lower yourself to the level of others, but raise yourself above those around you, so they will look up to you.
All you have to do is look to the stars to realize that life is more than the trivial little crap you think about in your daily life.

Learn to see everything all at once.
Learn to see the big picture in addition to your small world.
Learn to see the past, present, and future all at the same time.

Rise above, see beyond, See above, see reality, the bigger picture

We live lives.

We preoccupy ourselves with earthly matters.

Through interaction with the environment and communication with others, our minds are brought to a worldly frame of mind.

Existence is perceived.

We are all brought forth into this existence. We are given five senses, with which we use to interpret our world. We are each born unto a unique set of circumstances and are brought up under different surroundings, both of which for the most part determine the path the rest of our life takes. It is up to the individual to rise above and see beyond one’s level of existence.

Sometimes I am the little monkey, fervently seeking sexual gratification.
Sometimes I am the people, laughing at the silliness of my pursuit.

Perspective and Satisfaction

The perspective you choose to adopt plays into your current state of being.

If you choose to focus on yourself and your problems, maybe have negative mindset.

If you choose to understand there are far worse things that could happen, or are happening to others, then maybe you wouldn't feel so bad.

Its the relative perspective.

If you choose to relate your problems to someone better of than you, or to no one at all, then maybe you would have negative perspective.

If you choose to relate your problems to someone worse off than you, then maybe you wouldn't feel so bad.

But is comparison of something external to you required in order to not feel as bad about your current state?

Why should comparison of any sort be required in order to not feel negative about your current situation?

That's where internal satisfaction comes in to play. Being simply internally satisfied with your current state, regardless of what it is. Regardless of the amount of problems you face, regardless of the amount of things you feel pressing upon you, regardless of the force you feel being exerted on you, You are simply satisfied with it, whatever it is.

How does this come to happen? how is this possible? some may say, "people can not do this" or "you can not simply just be satisfied" or "it doesn't work that way"

You can only come to the realization of internal satisfaction by going within yourself, deep within yourself.

That is why people will argue against the possibility of that notion, because they don't even know how to go within themselves, they don't know how to be introspective, they don't know how be the watcher, watch themselves what they are doing, be external to themselves as an observer.

The more you look within yourself the more you realize the insignificance and trivial nature of most of the daily things you think about.

When you can laugh like the buddha, because you realize that nothing really matters, you will have true internal satisfaction without having to compare or relate to anything outside of yourself, even anything outside of your mind.

When you stop fighting, the weight is not only lifted, but it disappears.

The burden of existence and the bondage of life, disappear.

If you learn to be content with what you have at this very moment, then you will have peace and you will be free.

When you desire, you create the disconnect between present state and a desired future state.

This disconnect is an imbalance, and results in a mood shift.

You need to realize that it is ok to be who you are and where you are, at this very moment.


So many people exist without knowing, understanding, or caring about the implications of their role in society. They are part of a group and are helping the group to accomplish its mission. Most people are blind. They either do not care, or do not understand, or cannot comprehend. You live and you die. Throughout life, you choose your battles, and you fight in those battles. What determines what an individual chooses to fight for? What are influencing factors? Largely, genetics and upbringing play into the directions one chooses to follow. People live and die, turning over the human species. As a whole we grow smarter, gaining more and more knowledge as we go along. What is the culmination? Do we have an end goal? As a whole, we want to keep learning more and more while at the same time power struggles at all levels exist, between individuals and between nations. We are part of a society, and to a certain extent, we must conform to the society we choose to be part of in order to coexist with a certain degree of order.

Most choose not to exercise and focus on their meta-cognitive abilities. They choose to live the day-to-day life, living to seek ways in which they can fill their desires and wants, even though they are their own creators of those desires and wants, without ever realizing that true satisfaction can only be found from within.